Support MPDPilot development

Welcome to the donation page for MPDPilot iOS app! Since 2020, we’ve been dedicated to developing and refining this app in our free time, driven by our shared passion for music and technology. Our goal is to provide you with the best native-like experience, ensuring seamless control and enjoyment of your music collection.

As two developers working tirelessly outside of our day jobs, we’ve poured countless hours into this project, and it’s our joy to see it being used and appreciated by music lovers like you every day. To keep improving and expanding the app, we need your support.

Your donations will help us cover development costs, and enable us to add new features that will make your music experience even better. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a big difference.

You can make a donation conveniently through PayPal here on our website or via Apple Pay directly in the app. Join us on this musical journey and help us create something extraordinary. Thank you for your support!